To Create the pod ( with name nginx-pod by using nginx docker image) with command kubectl run nginx-pod --image nginx To list the pod ...
To Create the pod ( with name nginx-pod by using nginx docker image) with command
kubectl run nginx-pod --image nginx
To list the pod with its IP address and NodeName
kubectl get pods -o wide
To interact with pod's terminal(go inside the pod)
kubectl exec -it nginx-pod-- bash
To Exit from the pod run "exit" command
To access the application running in the pod ( consider is IP of the pod)
To find all the properties of the pod in yaml format
kubectl get pods nginx-pod -o yaml
To find all the properties of the pod in json format
kubectl get pods nginx-pod-o json
To Delete the Pod
kubectl delete pod nginx-pod
Manifest file in Kubernetes
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My First Pod Manifest file (nginx-pod.yaml)
To create Pod by using above file you need to run below command
kubectl create -f nginx-pod.yaml
To Verify Pod is created with its IP address and other properties
kubectl get pods -o wide
To Verify the events and other run-time properties of the pod.
kubectl describe pod myapp
If you make any change in the manifest file then use the apply(change/create) command
kubectl apply -f nginx-pod.yaml
To find the logs generated by pod
kubectl logs myapp
To interact with pod
kubectl exec -it myapp -- bash
To delete the pod using manifest file
kubectl delete -f nginx-pod.yaml
To verify pod is deleted or not
kubectl get pods
MultiContainer Pod
Create 2 containers (nginx, tomcat) within a single pod multicont.yaml
To create Pod by using above file you need to run below command
kubectl create -f multicont.yaml
To Verify Pod is created with its IP address and other properties
kubectl get pods -o wide
To Verify the events and other run-time properties of the pod.
kubectl describe pod myapp
If you make any change in the manifest file then use the apply(change/create) command
kubectl apply -f multicont.yaml
To find the logs generated by pod nginx-container
kubectl logs myapp -c nginx-container
To find the logs generated by pod nginx-container
kubectl logs myapp -c tomcat-container
kubectl exec -it myapp -c nginx-container -- bash
kubectl exec -it myapp -c tomcat-container -- bash
To access nginx app using multicontainer pod (IP
To access tomcat app using multicontainer pod (IP
To delete the pod using manifest file
kubectl delete -f multicont.yaml
To verify pod is deleted or not
kubectl get pods
Hi Raman, try to change the pod image at runtime from nginx to ubuntu the pod1 get crashed and status showing is "CrashLoopBackoff"
ReplyDeleteevents which run are have message as "Back-off restarting failed container "