Session Manager It is a part of the System Manager service of AWS and it is used for patch management for AWS instances. Step 1: Create a ...
Session Manager
It is a part of the System Manager service of AWS and it is used for patch management for AWS instances.
Step 1: Create a role for EC2 service with permission AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore
Step 2: Attach the above role to the EC2 instance that you want to patch.
Step 3: Select System Manager Service.
Step 4: On the left panel select the Session Manager link.
Step 5: Click on Start Session button.
Step 6: You will see your instance here which is attached with Role. If you donot see in couple of mintues restart Ec2 instacne.
Step 7: Select EC2 instance in session Manager aand Click on Start Session button. It will open the terminal and check that httpd is installed or not.
Step 8: Select Run Command from the left panel link and Click on RunCommand button.
Step 9: Search for shell and Select AWS-RunShellScript
Step 10: Add below commands in the Run Command window
sudo yum install httpd -y
sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd
Select you EC2 instance. and Run the command
Step 11: Check httpd is to be installed on your EC2 instance.