Cross-Region Replication enables an automatic, asynchronous copying process between the buckets Configured Buckets can be owned by a singl...
Cross-Region Replication enables an automatic, asynchronous copying process between the buckets
Configured Buckets can be owned by a single account or they can be from a different account.
Destination bucket can be the different or same region
Use S3 Batch Replication on existing objects.
Step 1: Create a source bucket (srcbucket) in a region ( Mumbai ap-south-1) and Enable the versioning.
Step 2: Create a destination bucket (destbucket) in a different region ( North Virginia us-east-1) and enable the versioning.
Step 3: Select Source bucket and Click on Management Tab.
Step 4: Click on Create Replication Rule and Provide the below information
Replication rule name: ReplicaRule1
Status: Enable
Priority: 0
Source bucket: Apply to all objects in the bucket.
Step 5: Select the destination bucket.
Select option choose a bucket from this account
Click on browse s3 button
Select destination bucket
Step 6: IAM Role Choose from existing IAM role
Select S3AdminRole (you need to create a role for S3 Full Access)
Step 7: Encryption :- unchecked
Step 8: Destination Storage class: unchecked
Step 9: Click on save button
Step 10: Upload a file in the source bucket and it should be copied in the destination bucket as well.
1. Delete the file from the source bucket and check whether it is deleted in the destination bucket or not.
2. Try to disable the versioning of either of these buckets.
3. Delete both the buckets.