Docker Swarm service is used for managing the containers in the cluster Step 1: Find the commands related to the docker swarm service ...
Docker Swarm service is used for managing the containers in the cluster
Step 1: Find the commands related to the docker swarm service
docker service --help
Step 2: Create a service with a single replica with Nginx docker image ( by default docker service creates a single replica)
docker service create --name myservice -d nginx
Step 3: Find the details of the service which is created above
docker service ls
Step 4: To check where the container is running under this service
docker service ps myservice
Step 5: Delete a service
docker service rm myservice
Step 6: Create a service with multiple replicas
docker service create --name webservice --replicas 3 -d nginx
Step 7: Scale-up replicas
docker service scale webservice=5
Step 8: Scale down replicas
docker service scale webservice=3