Azure Container Registry It allows you to build, store and manage container images and artifacts in private registry for all types of cont...
Azure Container Registry
It allows you to build, store and manage container images and artifacts in private registry for all types of container deployments.
Step 1: Create a virtual machine in Azure of ubuntu type to connect with Azure Container registry.
Step 2: Install Docker on the above VM.
apt update
apt install -y
Step 3: Create a container registry by searching container registries on Azure portal. Registry name I am using myreg100
Step 4: Install Azure CLI on your vm and push docker image to azure registry.
Install Azure CLI
curl -sL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.asc.gpg > /dev/null
AZ_REPO=$(lsb_release -cs)
echo "deb [arch=amd64] $AZ_REPO main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/azure-cli.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install azure-cli
Login to Azure using CLI (After running this command you need to follow the instruction to connect with Azure CLI)
sudo az login
Log in to your container registry
sudo az acr login --name myreg100
Pull a Docker image and push it docker registry
sudo docker pull nginx
sudo docker tag nginx
Push the image to Azure Container registry and once pushed then check the container registry ---> Repositories and you will find mynginx image is available.
sudo docker push
Container Instance
To deploy an application in azure as container you can use Container instance.
Step 0: Goto Container registry and select your repository (myreg100) and select Access keys and enabled for Admin user
Step 1: Go to Azure portal and search for the container instance.
Select container registry image :- myreg100
Open Port no: 80
Step 2: Once Container is created it will give you the Public IP address and use this IP address on the browser you will be able to see nginx web page.
AKS (Azure Kubernetes Cluster )
To Deploy Containers on AKS we follow the below steps
Step 1: Search for Kubernetes service on the Azure portal.
Step 2: Create Kubernetes cluster by using container image - myreg100
It will take around 5-10 mins to create the cluster
Step 3: Once Cluster is created then Select Workloads--> Create-->ADD Yaml for deployment
Step4: Add another yaml file for services
Step 5: In Services and Ingress you will find an External IP for your deployment use that IP address to access the deployment.